Our standard method of shipping is UPS (Ground). We make every effort consolidate your order into as few boxes as necessary without compromising the integrity of the shipment.
Expedited shipping is available for an additional fee. If you require an expedited shipment, please place your order online stating in the comments section your request for expedited shipping. Please note that shipping occurs Monday thru Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm (CST). We will make every effort to accommodate your expedited shipment, and would request that you call and speak with a Palay Display Representative immediately after placing your order to discuss expedited options and to make sure we are able to meet your expedited needs.
Drop ships — F.O.B. Factory are shipments that originate from the factory in which the product is produced. Because the shipment is point to point and does not pass through our warehouse which creates 2 different shipments (One to our warehouse and another from our warehouse to your location), we are able to save you money by shipping it factory direct. When ordering multiple items, it is possible that your order will ship from multiple locations throughout the United States. We will make every effort to consolidate your items into the least amount of shipments. If there are multiple shipment locations, freight charges will incur from the different points of origin.
In the event that a product you order is on backorder, a Palay Display Representative will contact you. If you ordered multiple items and only one or a portion of the order is backorder, you will have the option of shipping now and backordering or ship complete. The option of shipping now and backordering will incur additional freight charges as this results in 2 shipments.